Toller Cranston used to say "Just grin and show your teeth, that way everyone will think you are smiling at the same time suck in air so you can get through the program", if I am not aerobically fit enough I will take this advise from the great master. I think I have a good "air base", for the ISU Competition, in Oberstdorf Germany but is my mental game ready? Let's make a list ...
1. Positive self talk and reframing your "story" ... check:}
2. Visualizing & Imagery ... check:}
3. Contacting the relaxation response ... not always my strong suit:{
4. The Zone/ to get in the Zone you must have a good combination of the Relaxation Response with Arousal or Energy, too much of one or the other and I will not feel I am in this great state ... sort of check:}
5. Goals/which should be time based, achievable, challenging, and written down ... check:}
6. Focus and concentration ... check:}
7. A Game Plan ... CHECK:}
8. Have More Fun ... this is not really in the manuals but I always felt it should be:}
Well I think I have a Mental Game which is good because I cannot skate around with my head cut off! Elina and I will be reporting from Germany on our "Mental Experience", and we will be giving a full report on the fun we are having. Remember our secondary mission statement is ...

Cheers, Linda