Now that Fitness February is almost over [remember to keep-on training:], I have declared March/Spring a celebration of our members. I must confess that this was not my idea because I have had two request for custom videos from AIO Members Jill an d Derick. Jill wanted to know how to do the broken leg spin and Derick wanted us to explain some of the jumps from our TEN FUN/FAVOURITE JUMPS video. So, those videos are coming this month but I realized that there is "skating content", that I think is needed to develop as a skater and there is also skills that the athlete wishes to learn.
I have the same situation in my RIDING LIFE, where I leave it up to my coach to direct me on my learning curve but sometimes I ask ... can I do this skill I saw at the horse show. The answer is sometimes, YES, and sometimes she explains how the maneuver I want to do is a little advanced for me or she starts to give me a break down of the skill so I can eventually do it. With Derick's request for more detail of the fun/fav jumps, luckily they coordinated to some basics we covered in previous videos. For Jill's request of the broken leg spin I had to come up with a break-down of the spin that would make it easier to accomplish, and I had to see if I could still do a Broken Leg Spin:}
I am pleased with both videos but I realized that I may not have made the videos if it were not for Derick's and Jill's requests. THANK YOU AIO MEMBERS ... for keeping it real and I learned to listen, something we can all do more of:}
That said ... April will be dedicated to the AXEL PAULSEN JUMP, you know the jump we love and dislike. May and June are going to be ALL about PERFORMING, since Elina and Maura and I are going to the ISU WORLDS in Germany ... yes, you guessed it, to perform/skate/SOCIALIZE. So, Stay Tuned and Stay Strong and Stick To Your Passions, SWING!
Cheers, Linda

Thanks Linda for your expertise 😊👍