Hey Holiday Skating Stars!
I just posted a fun holiday video called, "The AIO SLIDE". It is a short glamorous video to remind you to always have fun with your skating and never loose the essence of gliding/sliding on the ice. I know it is a busy holiday time but try to get out on the ice, indoor or outdoor. And remember to check out Elina's post on facebook, she has posted some great pictures of her ISU Vancouver skate and reminds us about feeling the wind in our face when we skate.
I guess we can all be thankful for our skating and the sensations we always feel on the ice:}
See you in the new year!
Cheers, Linda
PS This is my horse Habana, who pops up on our website from time to time. She is the reason I started Adult Ice Online because I am so passionate about riding dressage on her but I am a "rank beginner" in the sport, BUT I DO NOT CARE! I think, breath, eat, riding sound familiar?
How can we love skating/dressage so much and yet we are just beginners? Is it the challenge of it or something deeper then that? AND ... we are super accomplished at other things in our lives but we keep coming back for more in our skating/riding. There are many answers to these questions but it does not matter sometimes, like the Nike slogan says ...
JUST SKATE/RIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!