I was listening to a psychologist on the radio and he was saying how he thought that we should make our New Years resolutions on February 1st, WHY? Because he said that if we spent the month of January thinking about the things we wanted to achieve during the next year and then making a plan for them the success rate of resolutions would be better. Sadly, according to Forbes Magazine, only 8% of New Years resolutions are achieved:{ This may be due to making a goal for the year without a do-able game plan.
I have spent all month being "thoughtful", on how I am going to get more aerobic fitness for the ISU Competition in May, and here is my plan ...
1. Go to the gym once a week ... not my favourite[cross country ski machine&treadmill].
2. Skate three times a week ... doing triple run throughs of my program.
3. Include twenty laps@skating with my hockey friend Bob:}
4. Walk once a week&skip before I skate.
5. TOTAL duration six weeks= more "air", for my program in Germany!
All this is going to make an impact on my skating life but it also is going to help me with my "horse life", as well. As you know I am also passionate about dressage riding:}
Cheers, Linda
PS Consider re-setting your goals/resolutions for 2019 ... take sometime to write down the game plan & IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO SKATE:} or be passionate!