Will I have enough "air", in Oberstdorf, Germany ???
Elina and I have our airline tickets for the ISU Competition in Germany this May but I am so worried that I will not have enough aerobic fitness at the event. I found that I was really "winded", at the ISU Competiton in Vancouver this fall and that was at sea level!
What am I going to do at 800m or 2624ft, in the mountain town of Oberstdorf ...
My current conditioning program is mostly cross-training around my busy life. I do my strength training on my horse, I figure riding a twelve-hundred pound animal is as good as lifting weights in the gym, and I am not giving up riding to go to the gym:} My flexibility training happens after I skate and in the shower [not that you really need to know that but I find if I have two showers a day at least I get some stretching twice a day]. I do not do any power training which helps to promote "quickness" for the jump take offs, but I only have one lonely loop jump in my program so I am not to worried about that.

I am worried about AIR [aerobic capacity], so I am doing triple run throughs of my program twice a week and going to the gym using the treadmill and the cross country skiing machine once a week but I know I need to add to this. So, I am going to accept the invitation to do some elevation hiking and I know I need to add in an extra day of skating ... but when?
Yes, real life is interrupting my training, ROTFLMAO[rolling on the floor laughing my A_ _ off].
But this is really a challenge and traveling all the way to Germany is a big deal, and I just do not want to run out of air in the middle of my program. I will let you know how it is going but I am also taking any clever suggestions. Elina told me to get a skipping rope, I am up for anything.
PS The recipe for training any of the energy systems is ... train the system you want to improve 4-3 times a week for six weeks. This will make a "change" in your air, strength, power, flexibility, balance etc. SO, if I look at my aerobic training right now, I am at three times a week but it would be better if I did air training four days a week and by Valentines Day [six weeks], I will be feeling the difference in my program run throughs, YEAH!!!